Online Classes & Training

Dealing with Difficult People


This course is designed to help you further understand the dynamics of difficult people. You'll better understand a difficult person's five common character traits and distinguish between the behaviors they demonstrate and the possible motivations behind them. In addition, you will become familiar with ways to alleviate tense interactions by separating yourself from your reactions. You need this class if you have difficult people in your work life or if you struggle with them in your personal life

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Dealing with Difficult People


This course is designed to help you further understand the dynamics of difficult people. You'll better understand a difficult person's five common character traits and distinguish between the behaviors they demonstrate and the possible motivations behind them. In addition, you will become familiar with ways to alleviate tense interactions by separating yourself from your reactions. You need this class if you have difficult people in your work life or if you struggle with them in your personal life

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